Wednesday, July 29, 2009

a random update

so... this is random and short. i am busy with finishing up some course work and don't have much time to write. i am doing a project on sexuality and spiritual struggles. the books i am reading have been interesting, engaging, thoughtful, extremely provocative, and have given me new ideas to reflect on that i may decide to display on here so that i can converse with others (essentially: you) about these theories and view points. in all of this though, i have noticed something... there are resources and books available, but nearly everything i have found (actually everything i found, but i am sure i should leave room) has been written by men - gay men. where are the lesbians who have a voice to contribute to the topics of spirituality and morality? hmmm... i really need to write this book, and it's in progress. hopefully, i will get to resume as soon as i'm done with summer classes... so i better get back to work. peace, love, and hope.

- C

1 comment:

  1. I have wanted to write that book as well lol I just don't have the patience.
