Wednesday, May 9, 2012


a very brief word.

i love north carolina.

that's why it hurts.

and let us not forget that there are very many wonderful people in north carolina who love lgbt people. many wonderful people in north carolina who speak out against discrimination.

the temptation is to speak hatred back.

but what does that do?

how does it make us look? like those who do not understand or who do hate us want to paint a picture of us?

we cannot afford to label everyone in the state as a bigot, a redneck, a hick, or an incestuous homophobe. because it just isn't true. and we know it.

we know how it feels to be labeled.

let us not speak words of hatred and labeling today.

let us speak love and hope instead.

someone will hear us. no matter what we say.

i love north carolina. and i'm hurt by what has happened and by some of the words of hatred i have heard.

but i love north carolina. and i hope that love will be heard.

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